Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bleh, Sick

I think I might have Strep throat again.

I hope not. I'm sick of it. It's the most annoying illness ever.

No, cancer and Addiction are worse.

I haven't cut myself because I haven't cared.

I have gone through some weird revelations in the past few days.

Well, let's start on... well, I posted last on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, I got up, started getting ready for school, and soon, I was feeling sick and my throat hurt a little, and so instead of getting dressed, I went to my mom and she looked at my throat with a flashlight and said, "You are NOT going to school!" so that was that.
We went through a similar situation this morning. I HATE salt water. It is gross to even be near, let alone gargle with it.
Mom got a doctor appointment for me at 2:45.
I guess, since it's around 11:30, I will finish up here, take a shower, and wait for Going to the Doctor time.

I think I might have tonsillitis. I have the symptoms. It says that "Tonsillitis is characterized by red, swollen tonsils. White patches may or may not appear on the tonsils. Other signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat, painful/difficult swallowing, headache, fever and chills, enlarged and tender lymph nodes, pain in the tonsil area, and loss of voice."
Mom said that my throat is very dark red 'at the top' which could be my tonsils (though I haven't looked so maybe not), and I do have a slight sore throat, and it hurts to swallow, and I think I had a fever or something yesterday, because it felt so hot EVERYWHERE. Anywhere I went except for my freezing cold room was burning hot, and I was sweating, and I wasn't even wearing my sweatshirt.

Ugh... something in the side of my neck hurts. I feel like fainting or something... Bleh...

Um, if I think I'm a hypochondriac, does that make me one?

Okay, Wikipedia has told me that I'm a cyberchondriac. That's okay. I don't mind being a hypochondriac.

Seriously, I have self-diagnosed myself with it. There's another thing I can add to my list.

I wish I wasn't sick. I was really ready to go to school this week.

I wish we had Wednesdays off. Four days of school per week. So what if school lasted longer? There are about 40 weeks in the school year. That's 40 extra days, which is ten extra weeks. That's fine with me. I'd rather have more, shorter weeks than fewer long weeks.

Um... that's all. I guess that's all I have to say. I want to eat lunch before I take a shower.

Um, bleh. I'm feeling horrible. I just feel like dying because I'm so sick (and the other reasons).

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