Friday, February 1, 2008

Evil Internet!

Somedays, the Internet is my only friend. Other days, I feel like swearing and sending it to you-know-where. ;)

It is going SO slow right now. It took forever just to load, not to mention how broken Rescreatu is, how horrible GaiaOnline is acting, and I guess those are the only sites I've tried so far.

I think I will finish with my story this weekend! I will finish typing it, and I will feel ready to go back to school! Yay!

No, I didn't go to school this week. A little lonely, yes, but it was nice, getting a vacation. I don't even WANT to go back now because I don't want to talk to teachers. They are so annoying. I will have to take numerous quizzes and tests (although I probably will get until Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday because those days they will stay after and make me take quizzes then) and get so much homework. I don't know how to do it. Teachers are so annoying. All I need to know is what homework I need to do, what tests to take and when, and then go home and do the homework on my own time, and then take the quizzes and stuff. But no, they have to be all weird and not give me the homework in the right order or something. :K

I think, if I am a teacher, I will do kids a favor and make sure they will have their makeup work when they get back to school. I probably will be a teacher, so I should plan ahead. And I might not be a teacher. I don't want to have to go to school and go in every day like that. Maybe instead, I will do something else in a school. I do want to be in a school. Help the kids of tomorrow. That sort of thing.

Well, I think I am more likely to be a writer than a teacher, actually.

Maybe I'll be a code monkey. :D

That's all for now. Maybe I'll add another post later today...

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