Monday, March 3, 2008

A case of the Mondays/Whites finally on the bad end of racism?

Well, not too much happened today. Both D and Rocky hit me (it didn't hurt very much) to make me stop cutting.

Great. I have willingly made myself both addicted to cutting, a victim of physical abuse (I'll keep a diary and make sure if I ever get fed up with it all, they will get punished again for it), along with all of the problems I had earlier.

A girl I'll call Gyrfalcon (those who know her will understand this name a little, maybe) was talking to me in English. She has never really talked to me before. She is a nice person, pretty, cool (those were separate descriptions), and that sort of thing. She asked stuff like, "If you could be rich, would you?" and "Who would be your best friend if you could choose?" (she asked it in a weird way at first, and then she changed what she said to make it nicer) and she said some like, supportive stuff.

I think someone told her to talk to me. People don't just talk to me because they are sitting there. It was weird...

Oh well. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Or a gift friend in the head.


Today I have been thinking about racism, stereotypes, and that sort of thing.

There are, I think, at least 4 'black' (definition: noticeably darker skinned than others) students in my grade. Two of them came to school this year, they are new kids. One of them, I don't know at all and girls think he is HOT. Another one of them is in my Gym class. He's good at sports, but says annoying stuff sometimes. He's not race-oriented like a third kid I know who was in my Gym, Math, and Social Studies last year. That kid, who I'll call Von W, called people racist if they were not completely nice to them (I think he was kinda nicer to me and meaner to me in a way; maybe because I'm the 'white blonde smart girl') . He was kinda annoying, but not too bad. I guess I kinda liked him (not in that way, though) a little. He was funny. He made me laugh sometimes. He did not make me laugh when he talked about being black.

I do not like those idiots who suddenly think they are cool to pretend to be black. It's like, taking the 'good' and/or 'bad' stereotypes about being 'black' and then saying that you are black because you act like one.
It's like taking an Oreo (let's use the cookie definition of this word) and taking a picture of it in negative. You get black on the inside and white on the inside.

Okay, that's at least as racist as calling a black person an Oreo.

Racism is never going to end. Well, maybe racism will end, people thinking that being white is better than being black, or being Indian (I personally LOVE people who are of Indian descent (from the Orient/India, I mean) because they look so awesome, with the hair and the eyes, and that's no different from preferring those with brown hair over those with black hair, BTW), or being anything else.
But instead of thinking white is better, everyone is told to be proud of what they look like and what they are.
So... because blacks are the ones who have supposedly suffered the most from racism, they are the ones told to be proud of themselves the most. So, pride is all good. It's good to feel good about yourself.

But I do not want to hear about people being 'proud to be black'.
If I said I was proud to be white, people would label me a racist, would they not?

I find that fact extremely offensive. Here's what else I find offensive:

Black men are supposedly allowed to insult all women. (with extreme profanity, to my very pure upbringing)
Black women can call their friends 'girlfriends' but no other women can (note: my mom is white, and she calls her friends 'girlfriends' a lot)
Black people can put themselves down. (they can put anyone down, in fact)

Okay, those three things bother me a lot.

It has nothing to do with the fact that black people can do this, it's the fact that:

They are stupid, ignorant stereotypes that stupid celebrities, comedians, and schoolkids fuel by supporting, demonstrating, and even acting out these stereotypes.
I am white and I cannot do any of these things. I will be called racist if I put anyone down; if I insult any women, I will probably be called sexist (maybe I'll just be punished); I will be accused of being Lesbian if I say I have 'girlfriends'. I can use 'girlfriends' in the collective form, and then I will probably be understood, but no, you, a female, cannot have a girlfriend unless you are black or lesbian.

Okay, the point I am getting to here is that because white people (as a group, not individually) have been racist so long, now, we give 'rights' to blacks, make it seem better to be black, and all of that stuff. Essentially, the blacks have become the racist ones and NO ONE CAN QUOTE THIS SENTENCE WITHOUT READING MY OTHER STATEMENTS, ALL OF THEM.

Here's why:

"I'm proud to be a black girl." That's WONDERFUL, I'm glad you're proud to be who you are but why can't I say I'm proud to be white?
"You, know black wo/men are *expletive expletive expletive* and blah blah blah *expletives*" Okay, that is called being racist. Why do you get the right, mister, to say that? You're black. That's why. If you were white, you couldn't really say it without angering others. I am not saying give your right to insult people to others, I'm saying give the punishment of being disliked for racist comments/jokes to you too.
"Hey girlfriend!" / "So my girlfriend, Barbara, she says ..." I've already said it. In this homophobic society, I have to be black or lesbian to use this word.

Okay, so I repeated my arguments. I had to represent them in a new way.

The thing is, I am just sick and tired of hearing about 'being black', from EVERYONE.

Racism, racial stereotypes (ALL of which are bad, regardless of whether they are good stereotypes or bad ones), and other sorts of racial inequality (which at this time, I believe white people are experiencing, but it's because of EVERYONE'S stupidity, not just blacks or whites), will NEVER END unless I can look at a person who is of African descent and not see a black person, but another person.

You don't see a brown haired guy when you look at Zac Efron, do you? You see a hot guy.
Why do you see a black person when you look at Bill Cosby? You should see an old guy.

If you are angry about anything I just said, please leave a comment or contact me in some way before angrily giving me profanity, insults, and stuff. I will defend my position to the best of my ability. Please understand that these are the opinions (they aren't so humble, I'm afraid) of a thirteen year old who wants to get Opinions, Truth, and Reality OUT THERE.

People need to wake up to the problems of the world. This is a very small problem compared to others. Global warming is more important to worry about.

But this IS a problem, nevertheless, and you can help solve it, just by looking at Bill Cosby and saying, "There's a nice old guy" and that's it. It's just an aspect of his physical features that he has more melanin in his skin. Just like Zac Efron has nice blue eyes. (Da Boss is sexier, though, because he lives, like, 3 miles from me, and way less if it's as the crow flies).

Well, see y'all. (not I'm NOT from the South... but that's another stereotype)

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