I have claimed my blog at Technorati, so now maybe people will come here. And I will get some hits.
If you are reading my blog for the first time, then know this:
- Read the sidebar-thing over there.
- If you have any questions, leave a comment or email me or something. You know? I'll answer any questions that are not too personal.
- This blog is, yes, about cutting. If you don't like knowing about the truth, then I'd bet that you don't care about stopping smoking, drugs, or alcohol addictions, because people who cut are just like druggies, smokers, or alcoholics. They can't stop, even if they want to.
- If you have ever SH'd (Self-Harmed) in the past, you should mosey on down to my brand new group: Sanguinolent Respect. AKA Sanguinolent Revenge. I call it both, because it is both.
I don't know if I'm going to go to school this week. I hope I go on Thursday, and I'm planning on it, but I really don't want to.
Dad visited today. He hasn't left yet.
Mom had better say something about my brother moving out/paying rent. I sent her an email with today's Dear Abby story. It was the responses to the January 7th one, and I thought since it had to do with kicking twenty-something year old guys out of the house of their mom, I thought it would be kind of meaningful to her.
Get the hint, Mom. I want that big baby out of the house. I am not staying here to be verbally and emotionally abused by a guy who should have been out of the house at least three years ago. More like four or five. If I can't enjoy school, I had better enjoy home, and when I can't enjoy either place, that's when I go to a foster home.
If my brother isn't out of the house by the time my parents finish up with their divorce, I just might ask to live with Dad to get out of here.
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