Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good-bye, some of you

I am quitting Neopets.

I'm only going on Gaia to talk to Lena *hugs* and maybe get a couple more things for my avatar, which is looking better every day. (not every day, but almost every day)

Rescreatu... I'll check up on those every once in a while so they don't die. I guess once a week.

I said something completely true but also completely embarrassing to Honk!...

I hope he doesn't tell anyone...

I'm sure he won't.

Um... I'll still be on TeenHelp, on DA sometimes, and I guess that's it...

And I'll still post stuff here.

I should have given the link to Honk! but whatever...

Um, hugs to everyone... I will start work on LCDRAFT3 today. I AM really happy because of that. I will enjoy it a lot... um... yeah, it doesn't sound like I enjoy anything today.

I'll have another slice of cake. That will cheer me up a little...

Basically, I'm cutting down on Internet... Yeah.


Anonymous said...

It's Honk!
Found this through the link on your DA account.

I won't say anything if you don't want. I think one of my friends might have seen the message over my shoulder, but I'll talk to him.... he might not know anything.

If you want to keep in touch I'll keep coming here to check up on you if nothing else. You can also reach me on Gaia and DA. I'm here if you ever want to just get something off your chest. I'm good at listening, and even if my schedual keeps me from responding right away, I'll do it ASAP.

eliannrad said...

Wow, I didn't know anyone ever left comments here! Keep reading! :D *knuckle tap*

eliannrad said...

Oh yeah, and I don't mind you laughing about it with friends that a kid who's not even a freshman in high school... yeah. If I were you, I'd think it was kinda cute and then have no idea what to think/do. Then again, there's also the feeling-like-killing-myself thing, so that could change your actions...